450L Horizontal BBT :
Material: SUS 304 S/S
Effective : 450L
Tank working pressure: 2 bar
Jacket working pressure: 1 bar
Inner tank thickness: 2.5mm, outer cladding: 1.5 mm
Polyurethane insulation, thickness: 80mm, side and bottom insulated
Dimple plate cooling jacket
Exterior: stain removed, and brightened on regular margin
Interior surface: Polished
Roughness: 0.4umTop fittings: CIP arm, sprayball, PVRV, top manhole
Side fittings: Glycol inlet/outlet, thermowell, sample port
Bottom fittings: Drain valve, beer outlet, thermowell
CIP arm including pressure gauge,
Mechanical pressure valve mounted with CIP arm
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