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Craft beer is a global phenomenon that has grown rapidly over the years.
Fermentation stall is when the yeast fails to reduce the gravity of the beer to its potential final gravity. If you take a gravity reading over the course of a few days and do not see the gravity drop, then your fermentation has stalled.
Fermenters are available in a variety of sizes and formats to accommodate all consumer programs and residential development needs, such as large size fermenters.
In terms of fermentation method, craft beer is divided into top fermentation and bottom fermentation. The difference lies in the fact that the yeast is fermented on top of the fermenter and the yeast is fermented on the bottom of the fermenter.
Horizontal storage tank mainly consists of elliptical tank, base support, flange, level meter, top inlet, outlet and other inlet and outlet ports.
Interest in craft beer is on the rise, and people are learning more about beer and discovering their favorites. However, not many people understand what craft beer is and how it differs from regular beer.
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